Saturday, January 15, 2011

Fences for fido

I had so much fun today. I met a group of about 15 people today to help build a fence for a wonderful dog who lived on a chain his entire life. It took us two hours to fence an entire back yard, and we had a blast the whole time. The organization that did this is Fences for Fido. It is a non-profit group here in Portland, that builds fences for dogs who live on chains. It is a great organization!! They are dedicated to improving the quality of life for dogs living outdoors. They improve the living conditions for the dog, and provide a safer enviornment for the dog to live in. They even build dog houses for the newely freed dogs.
After the work we put in today, it was absolutely amazing to see Tigre, the massive pit bull who lived on a chain tied to a tree, his entire life, run free. He ran and barked, chased his ball, and finally got to mark his territory in the back corner of the yard, where he had never been before. His owner was very greatful, and we hope this will change their relationship. Fences for Fido is an amazing group and I am totally going to go back and build more!
Check out their website!

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