I want to thank everyone who came out yesterday to our third ever Bully Walk! We had a great time! I also want to do a little house keeping on some up and coming events and other cool pittie stuff....

I mentioned to everyone after the walk (if anyone could hear me :) that there is a SW Washington Humane Society Walk coming up. It is Saturday, May 7. Here is the link.
The link has all the info about the event, and I would love to have us walk as a group to show off our pitties! We will still have a walk the prior Sunday, May 1 at 11am. The location will be announced shortly.

At that walk, I am thinking we will have a sign-up sheet or something for the SW Humane walk at our walk. Confused yet? (I think I just confused myself there...)
I also mentioned yesterday that we are making t-shirts... OH YEAH! Cheryl and myself are trying to come up with a catchy slogan on a black t-shirt. If you have a fabulous idea, please post a comment on the blog. When we have the design, we are going to find a local shop to print them. SO, when we do, I will write on the blog and the Portland Pit Bull Parade Facebook page that we have shirts. Let us know how many you want, and what size. We will have them at the next walk, I have not looked at prices but im guessing they will be around 20 bucks. Any money we recieve after the initial cost of the shirts will be donated to local rescues. It will not go in my pocket.
I noticed at the walk yesterday that we, as a group, kinda got seperated on a few occasions. It gets kinda hectic with onlookers, dogs, street lights, street cars, poop stops, etc., etc... We are working on a solution to keep us altogether:) Please be patient...we are new to this :)

The webpage created my Cheryl and myself (mostly Cheryl though) is a great website for info about what we do here in Portland with the Bully Walks, info on pitties, pictures, and other fun stuff. Please check it out! There is an email address on there too which we do check regularly, if you have a question, concern, or idea.
All the Bully Walk pics are there too :)
So, I think thats all for now, we have a lot going on, and I am so glad that the walk has really taken off here in P-Town!!